You'll also want a good coding text editor, such as UltraEdit or Notepad++. Start the program you want to crack with W32DASM. This will show you what DLL files are being loaded by the program. Use W32DASM to examine which functions are being called from the DLL.
Rule #1 We all know we should not translate PDF files. They are simply not fit for translation.
Rule number one is always to ask for the source document and work on that. Sometimes your customer only has a PDF, and go have to get your hands dirty, no matter what. Can your translation tool (CAT) handle it? First thing to try is opening the file straight in your CAT. Not all CATs use the same approach.
I like how Jost Zetzsche described it in his 176th. As far as I know SDL Studio, Alchemy Publisher, MateCat and Wordfast Pro use a third-party PDF-to-DOC conversion tool that they have integrated as a filter. I guess some other CATs are also capable of opening some PDFs.
You have no control on what these filters are doing, but when it is working, you have a no-brainer solution. You need to check though that all text has been found and filtered. If you want to understand how tricky it can be to extract text from PDF, try it for yourself. You will, in many cases, end up with a plain text document where lines are ending with a hard return inside a paragraph, where words at the end of lines are split with a hard hyphen Messy is the best word to describe that kind of output. Only if the PDF was generated through XSL-FO (so from an XML format) this text extraction goes smoothly. In all other cases it depends on the virtual printer that has been used to generate the PDF. Protel pcb design.
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Even though I can crack most PDF files, I always find pleasure in extracting text the stupid way: it allows me to see how much problems there are in the document, and I know what I need to check later on. DIY: Converting PDF-to-DOCX If your CAT can’t open the PDF, you should convert the PDF to DOCX yourself. Abusing Google Docs just to convert files, also works quite well with PDF. The way to do this, I explained in. You could also use, a tool I basically use for all file conversions.
Since I have MS Word 2013 (and now 2016) I prefer that tool. Some customers forbid me to use online services, and MS-Word is an off-line tool if you don’t use the OneDrive cloud. If the PDF contains text as images, you have to convert that yourself (), but when the PDF contains text, MS Word does a real good job for many languages: it is capable of fixing line endings, something many other tools cannot do; If there are a lot of hard hyphens, a search & replace all will solve that issue. If Word does not do a good job, and are definitely worth trying as well. They are no longer as expensive as they used to be, and they can support many languages. These language variants/plugins know more fonts and more character sets, and they come with a dictionary helping the OCR process itself. The risk of converting PDF yourself is that you’ll waste a lot of time. So make sure you quote and get paid for this.
What you do for free, is often not appreciated as it should be. Make all your extra service visible. One of the problems of using CATs when translating OCR’d text and PDF’s converted to Word is the code clutter you may end up with. You definitely need to remove the clutter before you apply your TMs on the job. As long as all the clutter is in, you will only see low fuzzy matches.
You can use or, or you can do it manually using. Encrypted and restricted PDFs When you receive a password protected file, you need to remove the password first. Otherwise none of the tools here above will do a good job. There is an extra reason why removing a password comes in handy: sometimes PDFs have been “protected” so you cannot search for words in them even when they contain plain text. I’m using the for this. I like this one because it can remove user passwords (responsible for encrypting and preventing unauthorised opening) and owner passwords (restricting printing, copying, extracting even when the document is decrypted). I never use free and online tools for this: if a file is user password protected, the owner of that document did not want everybody to have access to it, so sending it to an online service may be bad for your business.