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Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Early life Blanchett was born on 14 May 1969 in the Melbourne suburb of. Her Australian mother, June Blanchett (born Gamble), worked as a property developer and teacher, and her American father, Robert DeWitt Blanchett, Jr., a native, was a who later worked as an advertising executive.
The two met when Blanchett's father's ship broke down in Melbourne. When Blanchett was 10, her father died of a heart attack, leaving her mother to raise the family on her own. Blanchett is the middle of three children, she has an older brother Bob Blanchett (born 1968), and a younger sister Genevieve Blanchett (born 1971). Her ancestry includes, some, and remote roots. Blanchett has described herself as being 'part extrovert, part wallflower' during childhood. She had a penchant for dressing in traditionally masculine clothing, and went through goth and punk phases during her teenage years, and shaved her head at one point.
She attended primary school in Melbourne at Ivanhoe East Primary School; for her secondary education, she attended and then, where she explored her passion for the performing arts. In her late teens and early twenties, she worked at a in Victoria.
She studied economics and at the but dropped out after one year to travel overseas. While in Egypt, Blanchett was asked to play an American cheerleader, as an extra in the Egyptian boxing movie, Kaboria; in need of money, she accepted. Upon her return to Australia, she moved to Sydney and enrolled in the (NIDA) to pursue an acting career. She graduated from NIDA in 1992 with a. Career 1992–2000 Blanchett's first major stage role was opposite, in the 1992 play for the.