Teoreticheskie osnovy razrabotki specializirovannyh studentov v formirovanii nravstvennoj ustojchivosti, Nauchno-metodicheskij jelektronnyj zhurnal Koncept, № 9, pp. Teoreticheskie osnovy i tehnologicheskaya dokumentaciya po modelirovaniyu sistemy sredy dlya professional'no-lichnostnogo razvitiya studentov // Alma mater.
Despite the existing problems, the formation of integrative trade and economic, currency, customs and political associations still remains one of the main tendencies of the world development. Economic integration of five CIS countries - Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan - continues in a format of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). This article describes the stages of the development of integration processes, since the creation of the Union State of Russia and Belarus and formation of EEU. Special attention is paid to the need of coordination of actions of association’s participants in the key directions defining competitiveness of economies. The article is devoted to the analysis of the provisions of the two International Covenants on Human Rights, which establish the obligations of their States parties in the form of taking measures to ensure the status of these international acts in the national legal system and their applicability in the national courts. The article also analyses the clarifications on this issue given by the relevant two committees (Human Rights Committee and Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) in their general comments.
The paper considers the existing approach to the above raised issue realized in Great Britain and the USA belonging to the Anglo-Saxon legal system. Protection of indigenous rights is one of the main trends of the international system of human protection. In order to address particular attention to the rights of indigenous peoples at international level The Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples in 2007 was adopted. From that moment, the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples became an international matter, in Africa as well. That has fostered new mechanisms and instruments in that field.
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Restoretools pkg files 2017. The decision of the African Court on human and peoples’ rights in the case “African Commission on human and peoples’ rights v. Republic of Kenya” confirms this thesis. The Ottawa Declaration lists the following countries as Member of the Arctic Council: Canada, the Kingdom of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden and the United States. Of the eight Arctic states only Canada, Denmark (Greenland), Norway, the Russian Federation and the United States have coastal frontage in the Arctic Ocean. French international legal doctrine analyses the legal positions of these states regarding the Arctic region.