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Similar Threads - Metin2 PServer News - 35 Replies Ladies and Gentlemen, the day has finally come, the day that many of you waited a long time. It 's time to Metin2ESP, its OFFICIAL BACK. As you know this server, the result of months of hard work, has been forced to close to the problems beyond their control. But like a phoenix (our logo is not placed so randomly) rises from its ashes more resplendent than before, Metin2ESP reopens TOTALLY improved, a far cry from what some of you had already. - Metin2 PServer News - 1 Replies Ladies and Gentlemen, the day has finally come, the day that many of you waited a long time. It 's time to Metin2ESP, its OFFICIAL BACK.
As you know this server, the result of months of hard work, has been forced to close to the problems beyond their control. But like a phoenix (our logo is not placed so randomly) rises from its ashes more resplendent than before, Metin2ESP reopens TOTALLY improved, a far cry from what some of you had already.